Privacy Statements - Jobs and Careers

Privacy Statements - Jobs and Careers

What do we do?

If you would like to work for Ubico then we would like to know about you.

Why do we collect information about you?

We ask when you complete an application form that you provide us with personal information about you in order to process your application as part of our recruiting process.

What Information do we Collect about you?

We ask for your name, address, national insurance number, date of birth, employment and education history, Criminal convictions, references, information to confirm your identity and data regarding equalities and diversity to ensure we are recruiting fairly. If you are applying for a role which requires you to drive you will be asked to divulge any Driving endorsements.

For who?

For You and Ubico.

Who do we share it with?

We will share this data with Publica Ltd who deal with all aspects of our Human Resources. It would also be shared with the Manager responsible for recruiting at Ubico. To find out more about Publica's data protection processes and to view the privacy notices please visit

Is any Information transferred outside the EEA?


How long will we keep it?

If you are successful we would keep your information for the life of your contact and 7 years after your employment ends. If you are unsuccessful we will hold your information for 6 months.

Who do we collect information From?

We collect this for you.

What are the consequences if we don't collect the data?

If you do not provide the information you will not be considered for employment.

Are any decisions about you made by automatic means?


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