General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)- Your Rights

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)- Your Rights

Ubico uses personal information to provide Waste management, recycling and Landscaping services to its customers on behalf of Local Authorities. For the full range of services we offer please see the 'What we do' section of our website. Ubico processes your Data and your Local Authority control the data you provide.

When we use information about you, we have to comply with the current data protection legislation and make sure you understand how we use your information and what your rights are over the information we hold about you.

Ubico carries out a number of different functions on behalf of Local Authorities so we have set out clearly on the following pages how each service uses your information.

If you want more guidance on data protection, you can go to the Information Commissioners website where you will find information about your rights or you can contact Ubico Ltd.

Your Rights:

1. The right to be informed about what information we hold about you

Each service area has a page that tells you how they use the information it holds about you. See the drop down options. If you want to know more you can contact us.

2. The right to have access to the information we hold about you

You have the right to know what information we hold about you and have access to copies of that information. We may ask you to tell us which services you use to help us find the information we hold about you; and we may ask you to provide identification to ensure we are giving the information to the right person.

3. The right to have inaccurate information about you put right

Where you think we are processing information about you that is incorrect, you can ask us to put it right. Please be clear about what information you think is inaccurate and if possible provide evidence of the inaccuracy.

4. The right to restrict processing

You can ask us to stop processing your personal data in the following circumstances:

  • Where you think we are processing information about you that is inaccurate, until we have verified it is accurate or changed it
  • Where you object to the processing but only in limited circumstances and you think your rights override your Local Authorities rights to use your information.
  • Where you think we are using it unlawfully and you don't want us to erase it, just stop using it. For example, where we no longer need the personal data but you require the information to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim.

5. The right to have personal data we hold about you erased

  • You can ask us to erase your personal data in the following circumstances:
  • Where we no longer need to use the personal information about you for the purpose for which it was originally collected or used.
  • If you withdraw your consent and there is no other lawful basis for us using your personal data.
  • If you object to the processing and there is no overriding legitimate interest for Ubico Ltd to continue using it.
  • The personal data was unlawfully processed.
  • The personal data has to be erased in order to comply with a legal obligation.

6. The right to data portability

You can ask us to send personal data that you have given us to a third party or to yourself in a machine readable format. This only applies where the personal data has been provided under a contract or with your consent and where the personal data is processed by automatic means.

7. The right to object

You have the right to object to the following:

  • processing based on legitimate interests or the performance of a task in the public interest/exercise of official authority (including profiling) where your rights to privacy outweigh our right to use your personal data for this purpose.
  • direct marketing.
  • processing for purposes of scientific/historical research and statistics.

8. Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling

We can only carry out automated decision making about you in certain circumstances where they would have a significant legal effects on you.

The types of automated decision-making we can make are:

  • Where it is necessary for the entry into or performance of a contract.
  • We are authorised to do so by UK law.
  • You have given us your explicit consent

Where we make automated decisions about you we will:

  • Tell you that we are making an automated decision about you.
  • Tell you that you can request human intervention or challenge a decision by writing to us using the contact details above.
  • Carry out regular checks to make sure that our systems are working as intended.

To make an enquiry please email or write to:

Ubico Ltd
Central Depot,
Swindon Road,
GL51 9JZ