Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure

Ubico is committed to delivering high quality, value for money services. We realise that sometimes things can go wrong and people are not always happy with the service they receive from the company. We believe that dealing effectively with complaints is essential to providing good services. We strive to learn from our mistakes and use the information we gain to improve our services. This procedure sets out how Ubico will treat and act upon complaints.

What is a Complaint?

We define a complaint as: ‘An expression of dissatisfaction about the standard of service, actions or action taken by Ubico or its staff affecting an individual customer or group of customers'.

A complaint could be in relation to any of the following examples:

  • there has been a delay in providing a service
  • we have made a mistake in the way we have provided a service
  • we have failed to deliver a service – this could relate to quality, standard or service level
  • we have not listened properly
  • our processes or policies have not been followed
  • our legal or regulatory requirements have not been met
  • we have not delivered against a commitment or promise
  • our staff have not been helpful or have not conducted themselves correctly

What is not a Complaint?

Service requests

Informal complaints, or service requests, are usually referred to the company by our shareholder councils. They are issues that require explanation or action and will include first contact regarding missed bins, damaged or lost bins, damage to property, action or behaviour of company staff. The company, through the council’s customer service contact systems, should be given the opportunity to try to resolve the matter, therefore these initial contacts are treated as requests for service not complaints.

If a request for service is not resolved to your satisfaction, this may then become a complaint.

How to make a complaint

You can provide feedback to Ubico in the following ways:

  • Telephone: 0300 300 9000
  • Email:
  • In writing: Ubico Ltd, Central Depot, Swindon Road, Cheltenham, GL51 9JZ

How a complaint will be processed

We like to resolve complaints as quickly and efficiently as possible and will aim to acknowledge complaints within three working days of receipt. The complaint will initially be investigated by the relevant manager who will aim to provide a full response within 10 working days. If we need a bit longer, we will let you know the reasons and work with you to agree the timescales where we can. We will do our best to try to give you an idea how long the investigation will take to conclude.

Where the customer is not satisfied by this response, the complaint will be reviewed by a member of the Senior Leadership Team, and a further response sent. If the customer is still not satisfied they will be referred to the Local Government Ombudsman at the following address:

Local Government Ombudsman
The Oaks
No 2 Westwood Way
Westwood Business Park

Phone 024 7682 0000
Fax: 024 7682 000


Reasonable and unreasonable behaviour

It is reasonable to complain to Ubico and to escalate a complaint under the complaints procedure. We will treat complainants with respect, with all complaints and concerns considered fairly. However, it is not reasonable to be threatening or abusive towards Ubico staff or those acting on behalf of Ubico and it is also not reasonable to persistently pursue a matter that has already been addressed.

Managing unreasonable behaviour and vexatious complaints

If behaviour by a complainant is considered to be abusive, threatening, unreasonable, unreasonably persistent or vexatious, we will take proportionate steps to protect our staff and those acting on behalf of Ubico.

Before this action is undertaken, we will consider the individual circumstances of the complaint and we will explain to the complainant why their behaviour is a cause for concern and what action Ubico will take if the behaviour persists.

If the behaviour persists Ubico may take the reasonable and proportionate action. This may include the following types of action (this list is not exhaustive):

  • Limiting a complainant to one form of contact (e.g. telephone or email).
  • Requiring a complainant to direct all communication to a single point of contact
  • Requiring contact to take place on specified dates and times.
  • Not responding to further correspondence that does not include substantially new and different information.
  • Where a complaint has exhausted the stages of the complaints procedure and / or has been investigated by the ombudsman, the complainant will be informed in writing that Ubico considers the matter to be closed.

In extreme cases where the behaviour does not improve Ubico may decide to cease contact with the complainant and to refer the matter to the ombudsman, bypassing the normal complaints process.

Where unreasonable behaviour is considered to be so extreme that it poses a threat to the safety of staff, or is potentially unlawful, Ubico may contact the Police or take legal action without first notifying the complainant.

Any substantially new and different complaints submitted by people who have been, or are currently, subject to action under this procedure will be considered on their individual merits.


All complaints received will be dealt with confidentially and in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR and Data Protection law. We reserve the right to discuss complaints with relevant members of staff and / or relevant third parties.

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